Talking To Yourself Again? What Are You Saying?

Talking To Yourself Again? What Are You Saying?

Blog Article

We all have Self Talk.

So what is Self-Talk?

Simply put Self-Talk is the running dialogue in your head. It’s the words you use to describe the experiences in your life.

It’s the words you use when you have challenges. It’s the words you use when you’re speaking to others.

Hmmmmm sounds like your daily vocabulary.

Look you must realize the power your words command and then choose them wisely.

Anthony Robins said in his book Awaken The Giant Within. “People with an impoverished vocabulary live an impoverished emotional life; people with rich vocabularies have a multitude palette of colors with which to paint their experience, not only for others, but for themselves as well”.

Many of us don’t realize the words we habitually choose to use effect how we communicate with ourselves and therefore what we experience.

Words are very powerful, they can help or heal. They can make us cry or laugh. They can create or destroy. They can comfort or cause pain.

Words create emotions, and those words create action, and from those actions your life is formed. Most of your beliefs are created by words, which means they can also be 경산스포츠마사지 changed by words.

Simply choosing new words to describe how you’re feeling or how you experienced an event can instantly change the emotional experience.

If you describe a fantastic experience as being “Ok”. That experience is now diminished and flat because of your limited use of words.

You’re in control of your life, so you need to consciously evaluate and keep improving the content of your vocabulary to make sure it’s pulling you in the direction you desire instead of a direction you want to avoid.

Here’s a great example I heard from Anthony Robbins after hearing him speak about this subject at one of his live seminars. After that I re-evaluated my Self-Talk (years ago). And it changed my life BIG TIME!!!!.

Quote: “If you’re in the habit of saying you “hate” things– you “hate” your hair; you “hate” your job; you “hate” having to do something. Do you think this raises the intensity of your negative emotional state than if you used a phrase like “I prefer something else”? End quote.

Change the phrase from “I hate” to the phrase “I prefer”.

Could it be that simple?

“I’d prefer an new car”, I’d prefer an new hairdo” I’d prefer a new job”, I’d prefer new clothes”. “I’d prefer to do something else”.

The intensity of those statements dropped big time because you used different words.

I know this for a fact. If you simply change your habitual vocabulary, and these would be the words you consistently use to describe your life and your emotions.

If you change your habitual vocabulary you can instantaneously change how think, how you feel and how you LIVE!!

I really want to drive this home to you. You’re Self-Talk that you’re using right now is determining your destiny. Think about that for a second (maybe a little longer). Your words are shaping your beliefs and impacting your actions.

Much of where you are in life right now is due to your Self-Talk. So if you’re using words that are disempowering. CHANGE THEM!!! to words that will empower you.

How do you know what you’re Self-Talk is? Simple really. When an event or challenge happens in your life how do you react, what do you say? If you’re saying it out loud you’re probably saying it to yourself, and vice versa.

Here are some examples, and these are from many of the people I speak to on a daily basis. It may be different for you.

When something happens a challenge in your life, do you say to yourself?

“Why does this always happen to me?” or “Why did this have to happen now?”

Are your answers something like this?

“It happened because I’m not lucky”.

“It happened because I’m not smart enough”.

“It happened because I wasn’t prepared”.

Poor choice of words will give you a poor answer. What if you used words like this when a challenge comes into your life?

“What can I 해운대한국마사지 learn from this challenge so I don’t repeat it?”

What’s funny about this challenge and how can I have fun solving it?”

You see better words produce a better question. A better question will produce a better answer.

Pretty simple but so powersful.

Here’s a perfect example of how Self-Talk will empower you. Let’s say someone is having a bad day, and you have the joy of running into this person.

And this person is more then happy to piss all over your day because they feel it’s their duty to ruin yours and everyone else’s day. You know the saying “If I’m having a bad day everybody else is going to”.


Because of my Self-Talk nobody gets to decide how my day is going to be but me. So my Self-Talk to that person is “I will not get involved in other people’s drama and I refuse to allow negativity 일산스웨디시 into my life”.

If that’s my self-talk do you think I’m going to have a bad day just because someone else is? If someone is so hell bent on having a bad day let them, but you don’t have to.

Why would you want to be a passenger in your own life and allow people to determine what you’re going to experience? Take control of your life right NOW!!

Here are some samples of different words you can use to start changing your vocabulary:

Go from Depressed to Not on top of it
Go from Failing to Learning
Go from I hate to I prefer
Go from Irritated to stimulated
Go from Overwhelmed to Busy
Go from Stressed to Energized
Go from Rejected to Overlooked

You get the idea.

Now create empowering phrases you say to yourself each day. Say your Self-Talk each morning and during the day (and when ever you need to) and before you go to bed each night.

If all you do is fill you mind with empowering words and phrases you’ll attract everything you 김해로미로미 want in life. (You’re still going to have to work for things, but you’ll be working smart not hard)

To get you kick started here is some of my daily Self-Talk:

“Helping people achieve their goals and dreams using no agenda and expect nothing in return. I will achieve all my goals and dreams”. This one was inspired from Zig Ziggler.

“I will not get involved in other people’s drama and I refuse to allow negativity into my life” Wow how does that set up my day compared to other people?

“Being truthful each day is the best gift I can give myself and others”. I think the boy scouts are onto something.

Here is what my team says about our business:

“We are building the largest most profitable, highest retention organization ever built in the history of network marketing easily and consistently through education and teamwork” Enough said on that one.

Before I end this there is one more thing. Words create pictures in our mind. People with great memories use pictures to remember things.

You’ve heard of athletes using visualization. A runner sees himself/herself getting out of the blocks perfectly, sees themselves straightening up and getting into full stride perfectly, they see themselves crossing the finish line first and powerfully.

My success in life and in network marketing is largely due to my Self-Talk and visualization (yes and hard work). Do you think anyone becomes successful if they are always saying, “I’ll never achieve anything”, “It’s to hard”?

The difference between successful people and non-successful people is, successful people do what other people won’t do. THINK ABOUT IT!!!!

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